Story by Sarah Monoson The air conditioning unit outside the bedroom window clicked on. It…
Tag: refugee
Ukranian refugee relocates, finds footing in Wake County
Story by Spencer Haskell
Navigating the Israel-Hamas Debate on Campus
Story by Ally Henson CHAPEL HILL, N.C.—The recent escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza…
Talking through crisis – A conversation of Israel and Palestine CLICK TO READ RESPONSES FROM STUDENT PROTESTORS
Southern hospitality welcomes refugees from around the world: Triangle nonprofits foster community
Story by Anna Louise Neil Elementary school students file off the bus at Cedar Point…
Traditional kitchens: Breaking barriers for refugees
Story by: Yakin Ouederni Video by: Emily Wakeman Graphics by: Callie Riek . HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. —…
When privacy doesn’t exist: Women in Dunkirk’s La Linière refugee camp deal with frequent exploitation, sexual assault
Photographed and written by: Tess Allen DUNKIRK, France — The woman gets up quietly in the…
An Iranian immigrant to America: Educate yourself
Video by Ben Aijian and Emma Carl Tannaz Mohammadi Gharaghani is the daughter of Iranian…