Unleashing Hope: The Impact of EENP’s Service Dog Training Program

Photos by Paris Geolas

Brianna is a student and teaching assistant at Johns Hopkins University, and she will be traveling back to Baltimore after her EENP graduation. Doreen will stay in the area, but they’ll stay in contact as they adjust to life with their new partners. Clients, volunteers, and the EENP team keep a slack channel full of photos, advice, funny stories, and new things they learn about their dogs. The network of support goes beyond the client and dog partnership, and extends to all of the people who raised and helped train these animals to get to this point.
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Paris Geolas

Paris Geolas is a senior from Raleigh, NC, majoring in Journalism with a minor in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. She has experience working in PR/marketing for professional athletes and Olympic foundations. She hopes to go into storytelling with animation.

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